Alumni Meet-Ups (July 19) with Richard Peddie

Alumni Meet-Ups (July 19) with Richard Peddie

Jul 6, 2023

The River Bookshop is once again pleased to team up with the University of Windsor Alumni Association to host another Alumni Meet-Up. And this time the speaker is one of our bosses—Richard!

Richard and Colleen are the proud owners of our bookshop. Both believe that small towns need an independent bookshop that educates, engages, inspires, and entertains. Richard wrote two successful books before he opened the bookshop: Dream Job and 21 Leadership Lessons. Both are available in our shop. 

Based on 41 years in business and a more recent 10 years of community building, Richard will lead an engaging conversation entitled “Life: the Rule of Three.” It will be an informal talk about big dreams, getting your ticket punched, and not giving up. You will also hear how he is now using those skills to help make Amherstburg even better.  

Hosted in the beautiful “Art Alley” (weather permitting) behind our River Bookshop, it will be a patio-themed event with a free ice cream bar catered by Coffee and Cream.

Keywords for this special event: 

     Vision … best practices … disrupter … philanthropy … story teller 

This event is sure to be popular, so go to this link or email to sign up for this event with one of the University of Windsor’s best known graduates.

The River Bookshop Team