The Stories We Tell: Gibson Gallery & River Bookshop

The Stories We Tell: Gibson Gallery & River Bookshop

Jun 9, 2023

“THE STORIES WE TELL”: Pop-Up Art Exhibit. Explore the ways that words and visual art connect through story-telling. 

Since the River Bookshop opened (FYI our 3rd birthday is August 12th — there will be cake 🎂) we have wanted to develop a relationship with the Gibson Gallery & Fort Malden Guild of Arts & Crafts. One of our key strategies to help make Amherstburg even better is to champion the Arts in town. We have teamed up with the Windsor Symphony Orchestra from the start and last year Art Windsor-Essex. The Gibson Gallery was our missing link!

Starting June 9th, we are delighted to announce that we will be hosting a Gibson Gallery pop-up art exhibit in our Hole in the Wall event space above the bookshop. It will showcase local artists and tell their stories. The Gibson Gallery is truly a town jewel. From Children’s Art Classes to its Night Guild, to their Artisan Shoppe, they have something to help everyone unleash their inner Emily Carr. At the show, there will be original art pieces to purchase and we have curated a selection of dozens of books that will introduce you to artists from around the world. During the show these titles will be discounted 10% to encourage you to enjoy the arts. Here is just a sample, below.

Admission is free. Gallery hours are 10am to 5pm on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through to June 25th.

“The Stories We Tell” is yet another reason to enjoy Amherstburg’s Open Air. Stop at River Bookshop, and then take a short walk east along Richmond to the Gibson Gallery, housed in the beautifully restored 1896 Michigan Central Railroad Station.

The River Bookshop Team 🎨

Event Accessibility Notice:

The River Bookshop is a heritage building that was built in 1887. The main floor was restored to be completely accessible. Our second floor, the Hole in the Wall event space (where our audio-visual technology is located), is not accessible. To make accommodations, we offer Zoom broadcasts of all our events, making them virtually accessible. For this event, we plan to offer a virtual exhibit tour option. Please visit our events page to find more information in the coming weeks.