The State of the World Atlas

The State of the World Atlas

By: Dan Smith

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The State of the World Atlas is an accessible, unique visual survey of current events and global trends, highlighting the international scope and complexity of many challenges facing the humanity today. With a bold new design, this distinctive atlas presents the latest statistics on international trade and migration, the globalization of work, aging and new health risks (up to and including the COVID-19 pandemic), food and water, energy resources and consumption, literacy, gender equality, wars and peacekeeping, and more. And for the newest edition, special attention has been brought to the way that all of these issues are affected by the ongoing climate crisis. Fascinating, troubling, and surprising, this is an important resource for anyone who seeks to better understand the world around them.

Details & specs

Publisher name:
Penguin Publishing Group

Publication date:

Paperback / softback | Trade paperback (US)

Penguin Random House

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