Lazarus Revived

Lazarus Revived

By: Alexander Matthews

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If you have a passion for philosophy, especially if you're interested by the possibility of conscious life after death, then this book is for you. Lazarus Revived argues that what consciousness amounts to is a whole series of artificial boundaries, or what philosophers call theory ladenness. Ironically, it's only when these boundaries or restrictions are established that we are fully conscious. Even within these restricted boundaries of our thought, what amounts to consciousness in one person is quite different for another.

The author shows how two thought experiments provide the foundation for arguments for the existence of conscious life after death: strictly on the basis of these restrictions and from an atheist point of view. In the absence of these restrictions, say in outer space where there is no up or down or before or after, we have to artificialize experience in order to develop a sense of time and, ultimately, of consciousness.

Lazarus Revived introduces a whole new vision of physics -- one that involves pluriverses rather than what we call the universe. The theory of a Big Bang is examined, and a substitute equation for E=mc2 is presented, giving the entire relation of mathematics to physics a new twist.

Lazarus Revived is written in easy-to-understand language, and there is no mathematics to worry about. The reader is challenged to go further than the author's own philosophical speculations and to come up with new ideas and ways to refine what is presented in the book. Many accessible examples are given and, hopefully, the reader will be drawn into the whole process of thinking and talking about the ideas presented here.

Details & specs

Publisher name:
Firefly Books

Publication date:

Hardback | Laminated cover


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