See below for English description.
Ce n'est pas que Frisson soit peureux; il est seulement un peu paranoïaque. Après tout, pourquoi risquerait-il de descendre de son arbre? En bas, il pourrait trouver des tarantules ou de l'herbe à puces, des microbes ou quelque terrible bestiole. Heureusement qu'il possède une trousse d'urgence! Mais est-ce suffisant?
Scaredy Squirrel never leaves his nut tree. It's way too dangerous out there. He could encounter tarantulas, green Martians or killer bees. But in his tree, every day is the same and if danger comes along, he's well-prepared. Scaredy Squirrel's emergency kit includes antibacterial soap, Band-Aids and a parachute. Day after day he watches and waits, and waits and watches, until one day… his worst nightmare comes true! Scaredy suddenly finds himself out of his tree, where germs, poison ivy and sharks lurk. But as Scaredy Squirrel leaps into the unknown, he discovers something really uplifting…
Original title: Scaredy Squirrel