Flubby Will Not Play with That

Flubby Will Not Play with That

By: J. E. Morris

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Flubby, the lovably lazy feline, embarks on his next non-adventure!

When Kami brings home a bag full of toys for Flubby, the uninterested cat isn't enthusiastic about the choices. A wind-up mouse? No thanks. A fish hanging from a stick? Yawn. But after Flubby rejects each offering, one unexpected option may be the best fit for Flubby after all.

The charming illustrations, simple text, and comic-like panels by J. E. Morris, author-illustrator of the Maud the Koala books, make this a unique format with a narrative style perfect for storytime and progressing readers.

Details & specs

Publisher name:
Penguin Young Readers Group

Publication date:

Hardback | Paper over boards

Penguin Random House

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