Tasty Adulting

Tasty Adulting

By: Tasty

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BuzzFeed’s Tasty helps you conquer the kitchen—one meal at a time.

Tasty Adulting is made specifically for the young (and young at heart) cooks who are just getting their footing as grown-ups. First, this book walks you through the foundations of cooking and builds up your kitchen confidence and know-how. Then, 75 fun, quick, and totally doable recipes meet you exactly where you are, allowing you to make mistakes, encouraging you to try new techniques, and gearing you up to reign supreme at the dinner table. With chapters like Souper Heroes, Put Some Meat On Your Bones, and A Sweet Finish, as well as a whole section for having people over, this book helps you move toward that golden “I have my life together” feeling. And just like that, you’re Adulting.

Details & specs

Publisher name:
Clarkson Potter/Ten Speed

Publication date:

Hardback | Paper over boards

Penguin Random House

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