Best friends in a dystopian near-future seek transcendence while serving time for their abortions; a new mother reeling from postpartum depression slips from reality into fantasy, clinking champagne flutes with the ghost of Simone de Beauvoir; a trans woman rapt by visions and memories after a brutal attack grants last rights to a cow as it sinks to the bottom of the ocean; a woman killed in an industrial accident achieves self-actualization in the afterlife, adrift on a mystical couch. The characters inhabiting Little Fury yearn and fumble for connection, seeking hope beneath the rubble of a broken world. Suspended between the real and surreal, Casey Bell’s debut merges earthy realism with other-worldly lyricism to linger in the unsettling, slippery in-between of dreaming and waking, voicelessness and uproar, longing and belonging.