Comeback Queen: Make A Triumphant Return To Dating After Divorce

Comeback Queen: Make A Triumphant Return To Dating After Divorce

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Divorce isn’t a setback. It’s a wake-up call that the right man is still out there, waiting for you. Don’t let a broken heart keep you from finding him.It’s time to repair your heart and soul, purge your ex from your psyche, and get back on the dating wagon again.Learn how to shed hurt and anger so you don’t infect future relationships, how to rebuild self-esteem and redefine yourself, and how to step back into the dating world with confidence and the ability to attract the right partner. In this fun and informative book you’ll discover what red flags to avoid and how to see them before it's too late, and explore dating rules that let you stay in control.

CHANTAL HEIDE is a Human Relations and communications expert with a successful practice, helping hundreds of clients learn how to find and keep a “magical” loving relationship. She is a public speaker, workshop leader, private coach, author, and frequent media contributor.

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