The Amish Farmer Who Hated L.A.

The Amish Farmer Who Hated L.A.

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Which stories will you recognize? In The Amish Farmer Who Hated L.A., a journalist recounts his interview with Mervin Hostetler, an old, bearded farmer living in Amish country in Goshen, Indiana. Old man Hostetler prattles on about how he once refused God's request that he preach to the wayward people of Los Angeles. Instead, Mervin offered to visit India, figuring he had a better chance of a warm reception there. But things went from bad to worse, and Hostetler found himself adrift at sea in a tiny life raft… that is, until he was rescued by a whale of a nuclear submarine that happened by. Get the idea? This story and the others in this light-hearted collection will likely ring a familiar note with students of the Bible. Woven creatively by author Tim Reddish, these entertaining short stories are based on biblical incidents or themes, retold in fresh ways, often with subtle wit or a surprising twist. Cultural distance and over-familiarity can cause beloved biblical narratives to fail to shock or challenge us. Hence, their power to transform our lives is lessened. Humor, on the other hand, can throw us off our guard, often allowing a story's message to penetrate our hearts. These nine contemporary retellings draw from both the Old and New Testaments, communicating themes that still have something meaningful to impart to modern-day Christians. Although this is storytelling-not a nuanced, academic work,-individuals and small groups will be challenged by discussion questions and prompts at the end of each chapter.

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